
The connection between Alice and Bob is called “off-chain” since it does not touch the blockchain. The advantage of off-chain communication is that it is much faster and confidential.

go-perun uses dependency inversion to be as extensible as possible. This means that you can use your own Dialer and Listener implementations. There are three central entities for off-chain connections: Dialer, Listener and Bus.

The Dialer can be used to open connections, the Listener accepts connections and the Bus uses both to create a connection between them.

Our network setup uses a TCP/IP-based socket communication and looks like this:

func setupNetwork(role Role, account wallet.Account) (listener net.Listener, bus *net.Bus, err error) {
	dialer := simple.NewTCPDialer(10 * time.Second)
	dialer.Register(cfg.addrs[1-role], cfg.hosts[1-role])

	listener, err = simple.NewTCPListener(cfg.hosts[role])
	fmt.Printf("Setting up listener for %s\n", cfg.hosts[role])
	if err != nil {
		err = fmt.Errorf("creating listener: %w", err)

	bus = net.NewBus(account, dialer)

This creates a Dialer with a dial-timeout of 10 seconds and adds the other peer with its Address and host. The Dialer can only dial peers that were registered beforehand. This also applies to incoming connections from other peers, they must be registered in advance.

Then we create a Listener that will listen on the host once it is started. A Bus is then returned which uses the Account and the created Dialer.