Interface EnclaveProvider

Describes a provider which can exchange messages with an Enclave over an untrusted message broker commonly referred to as the operator.


  • EnclaveProvider

Implemented by


onclose?: null | ((this: EnclaveProvider, ev: CloseEvent) => any)

Callback handler when the link gets closed.

onerror?: null | ((this: EnclaveProvider, ev: Event) => any)

Callback handler when an error related to the connection is encountered.

onmessage?: null | ((this: EnclaveProvider, ev: MessageEvent<any>) => any)

Callback handler when a message is received over the connection.

onopen?: null | ((this: EnclaveProvider, ev: Event) => any)

Callback handler when the connection is established.


  • Sends data to the enclave.


    An error when the connection was not setup beforehand with connect().


    • data: string | ArrayBufferLike | Blob | ArrayBufferView

      The data to send.

    Returns void

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